Ich muss kurzfristig am Montag einen book report halten und deswegen wäre ich sehr dankbar, wenn noch jemand Korrektur lesen könnte... (High Fidelity von Nick Hornby)
Teile, in denen keine Fehler sein sollten (weil sie einfacher gestrickt sind), habe ich weggelessen.
Since we’ve already had two book reports about books by Nick Hornby, I’ll give you only little information about him.
Firstly it has a special title. On the on hand it is a technical expression for hohe (Klang-)Treue. But as we will later come to know, the main character Rob is obsessed with music, so the title may also refer to Rob, to whom music is very important.
Before I’ll tell you what the book is about, I’ll give you little information about the protagonist and two other main characters of the book.
Then I’ll show you three pictures of actors who were part of the film High Fidelity and I want you to guess, with the information I gave you about them, which book character was played by which actor.
I hope that you’ll have a better picture of the characters in your mind then.
So what happens in the book?
Not very much, actually. Robert, called Rob, is just left by his girlfriend Laura. But this doesn’t seem to bother him too much. He actually enjoys his new found freedom. Being a music fanatic and being the owner of a record store the first thing he does is reordering his huge record collection. He dares to smoke in his flat again, listens to the music he likes and generally behaves as if Laura never mattered or existed in his life.
During the work in his record shop he makes top-5-lists about the best guitar solos, best album opener or whatever comes to his or his two employees Dick and Barry minds.
But during the next weeks he finds out that he has fooled himself by pretending Laura’s absence didn’t matter to him. He begins to think about his rather unsuccessful life as an owner of a not-really-well going record shop, about his relationships to women and about Laura.
But the story itself isn’t very suspenseful or full of action. And it has no need to because the book lives of its characters. The characters of the book – especially Robert, Barry and Dick – are very realistic and likable.
The book is written from Rob’s point of view as a first-person-narrator and so you really feel with him and you understand why he does what.
But the book isn’t predominantly a thoughtful book. It is a very funny and amusing book.
I really enjoyed reading it although it is maybe a bit verbose (langatmig) sometimes.
I recommend this book to everybody who likes humorous, a bit romantic and a bit thoughtful books.
And in the end I want to say that although I am not a man I think a can agree with the statement a journalist once said about the author Nick Hornby which says that Nick Hornby is the "the maestro of the male confessional".
Rob is a music fanatic; he defines himself and others by the music they listen to. So it isn’t surprising that the first thing he does when his girlfriend Laura leaves him is reordering his huge record collection. At the beginning he seems to be quite happy about his new freedom, he dares to smoke in his flat again, listens to the music he likes and generally behaves as if Laura never mattered or existed in his life. During the work in his record shop he makes top-5-lists about the best guitar solos etc. with his two employees Dick and Barry, who work in his record shop.
But when he tries to move on he finds out he can’t. He is stuck. And who is responsible for this? Laura. Soon he is wondering about things like love, life, the meaning of music, of Laura.
Nevertheless, High Fidelity isn’t a book only about sorrows and questions of life. In no way. It is actually a very funny and humorous book with great ideas and realistic, naturalistic and very likable characters.
Nick Hornby wrote a novel that made me laugh and think. The characters he created are so real that, while reading, you will not only sometimes think of a person you know. I really enjoyed reading the book because of its great humour, characters, the subject and – me being a huge fan of music - last but not least the music which plays an important role in Rob’s life and therefore in the story.
Barry thinks that his opinion (especially in music) is the only right one.
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