Bitte um Korrektur!!!! :)

  • Na ihr.. ich schreib morgen eine Englisch Klausur und bereite mich grade darauf vor... und da ich nicht grade gut in Englisch bin wollte ich euch fragen ob ihr mir vllt sagen könnt ob die grammatik bei den sätzen richtig ist! wäre sehr lieb...

    1) I made my last work experience in a hospital.
    2) I learned how you measure the blood pressure, how you make the bed and to look after the sick people.
    3) For me it was a nice experience, because it was a good feeling to know that somebody needs me to live a nicer life.

    Gab year
    I would do a gab year because you can get some work experience, a gab year is also a great and useful life experience, you learning new skills, you also learn to become more independent and self-confidence and you have time to think about your future. And you get sure that you want to do this job. But a gab year has also some
    disadvantages for example that you are far away from home, family and friends, you getting no money and it is hard to leave that all.

    ich wäre über euro antworten dankbar ;)

  • Hallo :D

    also bei


    würde ich schreiben

    I did my last work experience in a hospital.

    der rest is grammtisch denk ich ma soweit richtig

    naja bei dem 3) würd ich vllt bissl anders schreiben z.B

    it was a great experience for me, because its a very nice feeling to know somebody needs my help to have a better life.

    oder so ;)

    aber sonst passt scho ;);)

  • I learned how you measure the blood pressure, how you make the bed and to look after the sick people.

    da würd ich schreiben
    I learned how to measure the blood pressure, how to make the bed and to look after the sick people.

    hört sich irgendwie schöner an ;)

    Gab year
    I would do a gab year because you can get some work experience. A gab year is also a great and useful life experience. You're learning new skills, you also learn to become more independent and self-confident and you have time to think about your future. And you can get sure if you really want to do this job. But a gab year has also some disadvantages, for example that you are far away from home, family and friends, you're getting no money and it is hard to leave that all.