Hey!Was wäre total nett, wenn jemand sich den Text mal bitte auf Fehler durchlesen würde. Bin nämlich nicht so gut in Englisch DANKE!
In the last couple of weeks Muslims in many countries protested violently against caricatures first published in a Danish newspaper. They claimed that presenting the prophet Muhammad carrying a bomb like a suicide bomber was an outrageous insult against the islam that should not have been allowed to be printed. These events raise the questions whether newspapers are right in printing whatever they want to print.
To answear this question it is necessary to have a closer look.
Of cause Newspapers have a right to print whatever they want to print, because there exists a press law and everybody can express an opinion. Nevertheless Newspapers should observe some guidelines . There is a proverb: “Do as you want to be done to”. This could be a good guilding principle, because journalists of Newspapers should not reveal everything(?). They should respect the privacy, should write about true stories and they shouldn’t abuse human being. Newspapers have also a function as a model.A lot of people read Newspapers every day. They help to impart knowledge and to form an opinion. Therefore they should banish words, like bimbo or trollop. At l least every person has a dignity and they should respect the dignity. Besides human beings have no real chance to defend themselves against lies and insults. All in all I think Newspapers should respect a lot of laws and then they have the right to print whatever they want to print.