Beiträge von einafets

    Könntet ihr mal bitte nach fehlern schauen? ist wirklich wichtig. vielen dank.

    Some parents say to their children that they should reach something in their live and they should make something special out of their lives. But how would you define something special and what means to take responsibility for their own development?
    A lot of human beeings have different aims in their live and different ways to reach their aims. But at first I think it is important that every person take responsibility for theirself, for their live and for their own development. In my opinion the school help us to take responsibility for our development. We can learn a lot of new and interesting things, e.g. in mathmatics or other topics and so we can continue in our education. Sometimes people attend in courses at other school to develop theiself. Another help to take responsibility for teir own development are friends. They have a big influence and they can show us new sides of live and they can help us to take responsiblility for something. Consequently it is important to take responsibility for their own development, because people can be independent and they can make their own decisions. Besides they have the chance to make something special out of their lives. But a lot of human beeings have different ideas of the word special. For a lot of people “special” means to have a big car, a lot of money and a high possion in a job. For other people it is important to learn something new to continue their education. A good example is the figure Rita in “Educating Rita”. She is a normal women who has not a high quality of knowledge. She decided to go to an Open University and to learn more about the world of literature. Nobody believed that she would go there and to lern something. But this is her big aim and maybe it is “something special” in her live. Consequently it is important to have an aim in live e.g. to get a job or to get the abiture and to make something special out of it, because then we can say that we have reached something in our live.


    wir haben die aufgabe in der schule gestellt bekommen, NEUES und ALTES des Expressionismus herauszufinden. ich habe im internet geschaut, aber nichts gefunden, habt ihr eine idee? ?(

    Hallo! Könntet ihr euch die Zusammenfassung durchlesen und auf Fehler überprüfen? Vielen Dank! :)

    The case of Hurley v. Mustoe

    Mrs. Hurley, who has four children, is looking for a job. She gets a job as a waitre ss in a restaurand. But the manager of the restaurant doesn`t like it, if somebody who works there has children. He thinks that they are unreliable and he fires her. Mrs. Hurley charges him with direct sex discrimination and indirect marriage discrimination.

    Könntet ihr auch mal hier nach Fehlern schauen?
    hallo! um meinen ausdruck zu verbessern schreib ich oft texte. es wäre toll von euch wenn ihr ihn mal auf fehler untersuchen würdet. (MÖCHTE MICH JA VERBESSERN) Rechtschreibfehler sind bei mir oft Tippfehler, die sind ok. sorry wenn der text vielleicht zu lang ist. VIELEN DANK!

    Drugs had a big influence of the music in the 60s and of course of the Hippies. The music in 1965 was charcterized with unusual sounds. The drugs were a kind of protest against the conservative and stiffly society. They wanted to change their sensory perception; they wanted to create their own personality and they wanted to improve their sexuel relationships. Drugs were very important of the hippies and they took a part of their normal life. But many of them ignored the side effects and died. Janis Joplin, for example, who took a lot of drugs and alcohol during her performances on stage, had many feelings of weaknesses and died some days later.
    But drugs are not the only bad side of Hippies. I sayed that Hippies lived in cummunes and they had no atteched partner. The probability to get aids was very high, because they ofen had sex without condoms. And so many Hippies died or infected by the virus.

    In 1967 the Hippie movement was on their highest point. The term “summer of love” tried to describe the awareness of life, which was in San Francisco. An example is the song “San Fransicso”, which was sung by Scott McKenzie. Thousend of people streamed from the USA to the disrict Haight-Astsbury in San Francisco, because they wanted to be a part of the Hippie movement. The town was very popular with the Hippies, because of their very multicultural atmospere and the town became an emblem of the Hippies.

    The original Hippies beared in 1967 their culture to gave, because they don’t wanted a mass culture . But today we often see some human beeings on the streets who looks like a Hippie and some big festivals exists in our time, like the ‘Burg Harzberg Festival’. This festival in the biggest in Europe. And so we can see that some people tries to live like a Hippie, to do crazy things but it isn’t easy .

    hallo! um meinen ausdruck zu verbessern schreib ich oft texte. es wäre toll von euch wenn ihr ihn mal auf fehler untersuchen würdet. (MÖCHTE MICH JA VERBESSERN) Rechtschreibfehler sind bei mir oft Tippfehler, die sind ok. sorry wenn der text vielleicht zu lang ist. VIELEN DANK!

    Drugs had a big influence on the music in the 60s and of course of the Hippies. The music in 1965 was charctarized by unusual sounds. The drugs were a kind of protest against the conservative and stiff society. They wanted to enlarge their sensory perception; they wanted to create their own personality and they wanted to free their sexual relationships. Drugs were very important for the hippies and they formed a part of their normal lives. But many of them ignored the side effects and died. Janis Joplin, for example, who took a lot of drugs and alcohol during her performances on stage, had many feelings of weakness and died some days later.
    But drugs are not the only bad side of the Hippies. I said that Hippies lived in communes and they had no steady partner. The probability to get aids was very high, because they ofen had sex without condoms. And so many Hippies died or were infected by the virus.

    In 1967 the Hippie movement was at its peak. The term “summer of love” tries to describe the awareness of life, which was in San Francisco. An example is the song “San Fransicso”, which was sung by Scott McKenzie. Thousands of people streamed from the USA to the disrict Haight-Astsbury in San Francisco, because they wanted to be a part of the Hippie movement. The town was very popular with the Hippies, because of itsmulticultural atmospere and became an emblem of the Hippies.

    The original Hippies bore in 1967 their culture to its grave, because they did not want a mass culture . But today we often see some human beings on the streets who look like a Hippie and some big festivals exist in our time, like the ‘Burg Harzberg Festival’. This festival in the biggest in Europe. And so we can see that some people try to live like aHippies, to do crazy things but it isn’t easy .

    hallo! ich muss einen vortrag über hippies halten.
    könnt ihr mir sagen (was denkt ihr) gibt es heute noch hippies? und was sind gründe für die kritik an hippies (wie z.b. aids, drogen..)danke


    Ich habe jetzt verschiedene ´Vorschläge gefunden.

    die einen sagen :

    Me and Hugo
    Hugo and Me
    Hugo and I

    kann mir jemand sagen was denn nun richtig ist, oder ist alles richtig?

    1) What type of activities did the applicant do while taking care of the children?

    Support in looking after school kids from 6 till 10 years. Support by carrying out and planning parties.

    She helped in the household (cooking for the kids, she cleaned with the kids their rooms). She fetched the kids from the kindergarten, playing with them and doing handicraft. -complete childcare
    -cooking for the children
    -organizing birthday parties

    2) Please describe why you think the applicant would be a good au pair?

    -above-average initiative, very open-minded, reliability, trustworthiness

    Stefanie is very open-minded and she took care of the children very lovingly.

    She is very reliable, trustworthy, caring and independent.

    3) Please add any information you would like to give us about the applicant!

    To emphasize is her good power of observation. She worked very conscientiously, she is able to work in a team and she was very popular with parents and children.

    The kids accepted Stefanie very quickly and they liked her very much.

    Have you ever been a leader or instructor?

    Yes, I have been both a leader and an instructor. That way I did babysitting and keeping an eye on many children. My job was organizing the whole day. I planned with the kids our trips and activities. It was fun to organize daily routines.

    Please decribe why you believe the applicant would be a good au pair?

    Stefanie is a cosmopolitan person. She is all the time on the lookout for new experiences which promote her life. Her character traits confirm her moreover in her decisions to apply for a au pair stay.

    Because of her friendly and open -minded behaviour, together with trustworthiness and -for her age -a high sense of responsibility , is Stefanie is able to integrate in an American host family. The contact with children is of a friendly kind and ?????

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    Sorry that I did not get in tough since my last call. But I have such a lot of things to do, so that I have no time for personal things. The Cole Family is very friendly and helpful. They live in a big house outside New York with a big forest. In the evenning it is very uncanny but Luna, the dog of the Coles, sleeps behind my bed and protects me. I had a lot of different tasks to do. Sometimes I help the gardener with his work or I do calls and take some letters to the post office. I have to take care of Lili. She is the daughte r of the Coles. Lili is five years old and very funny. Mr.Cole is all the time in his study room and he writes there his new books. When he does not feel like writing , I read his new lines and we discuss the story. He is a very polite and intelligent man. Dad, why did you tell me that Mrs. Cole is a zombie? You were teasing me and I thought the wh ole time that is true. You must have thougt I would back out at the last moment. Well, I wouldn’t have. Mrs. Cole is a very nice woman and she loves her(!)daughter very much. Mrs. Cole is just sad, because her son died last year in a car accident. But I think this is normal. On Sunday we will drive to New York. Mrs. Cole tells a lot of intersting things about New York and we will do a lot of sightseeing. That’s fun. I get a lot from being here. I can think about many things from a new perspective, for example school and home. Although I love it here, I am looking forward to coming home.
    With Love,

    ich hab eine kleine frage.
    wir sollen die gleichgewichtskonstante des ammoniaks bei standardbedingungen berechnen. die standardbedingungen, die formel hab ich ja. sonst kann ich das auch. aber ich komm einfach nicht weiter (ist villt. auch schon zu spät) könnt ihr mir helfen?danke


    ich muss in einer aufgabe herausfinden, warum nahrungsketten nicht beliebig lang sein können. ich habe da mir schon ein wenig gedanken gemacht....

    die in den organischen stoffen gebundene energie wird von stufe zu stufe der nahrungskette geringer, weil ein großer teil an energie in form von wärme an die umwelt abgestrahlt wird.ein weiterer teil der energie ist in abfallstoffen gebunden.

    ich weiß nicht ob das richtíg ist. habt ihr noch ne idee oder i-net seite. wäre toll?!

    ich bin auf der suche nach dem bismarck lied? den text hab ich schon gefunden, aber eine melodie und eine interpretation dazu leider noch nicht.könnt ihr mir helfen.wäre echt wichtig.vielen dank! :]


    Wir müssen alles über Tansania herrausarbeiten. Mir fehlt nur noch etwas zum Entwicklungshilfsprogramm in Tansania und die Ursachen der Unterentwicklung Tansanias? Ich hab im Internet überall geschaut, nur leider ohne erfolg. Habt ihr ne Idee? DANKE

    Hey!Was wäre total nett, wenn jemand sich den Text mal bitte auf Fehler durchlesen würde. Bin nämlich nicht so gut in Englisch DANKE!

    In the last couple of weeks Muslims in many countries protested violently against caricatures first published in a Danish newspaper. They claimed that presenting the prophet Muhammad carrying a bomb like a suicide bomber was an outrageous insult against the islam that should not have been allowed to be printed. These events raise the questions whether newspapers are right in printing whatever they want to print.
    To answear this question it is necessary to have a closer look.
    Of cause Newspapers have a right to print whatever they want to print, because there exists a press law and everybody can express an opinion. Nevertheless Newspapers should observe some guidelines . There is a proverb: “Do as you want to be done to”. This could be a good guilding principle, because journalists of Newspapers should not reveal everything(?). They should respect the privacy, should write about true stories and they shouldn’t abuse human being. Newspapers have also a function as a model.A lot of people read Newspapers every day. They help to impart knowledge and to form an opinion. Therefore they should banish words, like bimbo or trollop. At l least every person has a dignity and they should respect the dignity. Besides human beings have no real chance to defend themselves against lies and insults. All in all I think Newspapers should respect a lot of laws and then they have the right to print whatever they want to print.

    hallo! kann mir jemand bitte sagen wie das sprichwort auf englisch heißt,hab schon nachgeschlagen,aber nichts gefunden: "Was du nicht willst das man dir tu, dass füg auch keinem anderen zu." Vielen dank!

    Ich habe versucht diese aufgabe zu lösen, war auch schon fast fertig als ich festgestellt hab, dass ich die Temperatur und das Volumen nicht berücksicht habe.hab versucht es unterzubringen, es ging nicht!ich bin verzweifelt, habt ihr villt einen ansatz?

    bei der entkalkung eines großen heizkessels mit methansäuse entstehen mengen an co2. berechne die masse an zersetzten kalkstein, wenn bei einem druck s p=100kpa und einer temp. T=300K ein gas mit einem volumen von v=2m³ freigesetzt wurde.

    CaCo3 +2HCooH2 --> Ca(HCoo)2 + Co2 +H2o

    Ich mach nächstes Jahr mein Abi und möchte danach ein FSJ machen. Ich hab mir schon ein paar Infos und Veranstalter herausgesucht, hab mich aber noch nicht festgelegt. Ich wollte gern mal wissen, ob ihr gute Erfahrungen bekommen habt, wer euer Veranstalter war, wen ihr empfehlen würdet ...
    Vielen Dank

    Ich mach nächstes Jahr mein Abi und möchte danach ein FSJ machen. Ich hab mir schon ein paar Infos und Veranstalter herausgesucht, hab mich aber noch nicht festgelegt. Ich wollte gern mal wissen, ob ihr gute Erfahrungen bekommen habt, wer euer Veranstalter war, wen ihr empfehlen würdet ...
    Vielen Dank

    [SIZE=3]aufzubessern hab ich etwas über minorities geschrieben. könntet ihr bitte nach fehlern sehen?vielen dank[/SIZE] Um mein englisch [SIZE=3]aufzubessern hab ich etwas über minorities geschrieben. könntet ihr bitte nach fehlern sehen?vielen dank

    Minorities are everywhere. They often live in small groups in a country by each other. Minorities have their own religion, food, role of women and their own morality. But they are also human beings, like you and me. What are problems of minorities and what can we do to help them? To answer this question-it is necessary to have a closer look.
    There are many different problems of minorities. One problem is that many human beengs are prejudiced. For example there are many rumours about black people. How would you feel if someone talks about you, but he doesn`t know you? For minorities it is a hard situation. They couldn`t try to disprove thiee prejudices, because no one gives them a chance. They are abused for no one pays attention to them. So it is hard for black people to feel accepted , to feel at home, because isn´t easy to find friends. And so it is a good thing to respect their traditions, dress-code and their food. Becausefor many black people these things have been a part of their life since many years. For them it is a task to preserve the customs and to give the experiences to their kids, if they don`t do it, a culture will be lost for ever. Besides a great variety of other traditons is important to learn new things about a culture e.g. in dance, food or music. But on the other hand they should adapt, when they live in a new country, to avoid conflicts. Because there are many things, which are difficult freom country to country, for example the role of women. In some countries women are persons, who stand behind the kitchen stove and educate the children. But this isn`t so all around the world. The women has right to a say and can go at work. It is important to adapt. But to ostracize human beings, to give them no job because of their traditions or their skin color, that is unfair. Because black people are just as well as other people.The skin color or other things don`t say about the abilities of people. All in all I think we must accept the traditons of minorities and the minorities should accept other costums to avoid conflicts.[/SIZE]

    wir sollen unsere vorbetrachtungen zu folgenden nachweisreaktionen ausfüllen:

    1) verdauung der fette
    2) verdauung der eiweiße
    3) nachweis der enzymatischen wirkung des plyalins stärke

    -ich hab mein biologie buch schon von vorn bis hínten durch geforstet, abe ich leider zu diesen themen nichts gefunden, auch im internet war nichts richtiges. vielleicht habt ihr noch ne idee, óder musstet schon selbst diese reaktionen durchführen.

    wäre für jede kleine hilfe dankbar!