
  • Hallo,
    ich muss einen zeitungsartikel ueber einen Bestechungsfall schreiben.
    Ich habe einen geschrieben und wuerde mich sehr freune, falls du ihn mir korrigieren keonntst.Danke!!!!!
    Voters are fed up with corruption
    During one of the election campaign's meetings, the members of the Conservative party met with some British businessmen.
    In the meanwhile Mr.U and Mr. J had a short conversation and soon after both of them disappeared in Mr. U’s office where they had a talk in private.
    But what exactly happened in that fancy little room .
    It's Monday morning, although Mr. U and Mr. J are supposed to have a secret conversation, the newspaper was able to get some reliable information about what happened in that room.
    At 10 AM the Indian businessman was about to donate 50,000 $ to the Conservative party in order to meet the demand of the upcoming elections.
    In exchange, although he insisted on not expecting anything from the party, he indirectly asked for facilities with the local authorities for his planning permissions.

    Didn't the conservative party make it clear during the campaign that they would seek to establish a scam-free and transparent government?
    Wasn't it their aim to form a stable government to dispense justice and to provide clean and efficient administration?
    Now, the Prime Minister's pledge to restore faith in public life rings increasingly hollow. And the only person he has to blame for this is himself.

    We, the newspaper-team, have gathered all our knowledge together to fight for justice against a corrupt system. We pursue dismissal of criminal charges and civil claims against individuals when these charges are not founded in law, equity or fact.
    We are asking for equality in this country that condemns briberies (Bestecher) as criminals.

    During a press conference, the Indian businessman tried to minimize his own contribution by saying that it was a “small donation” from a man who’s concerned about the Conservative Party and that every supporter of the Prime Minister would have done the same.
    Mr. J used stock phrases as: “in the sake of my party” or “…one nation, one country”.
    But, we, the voters, know that this pomposity can only arouse the suspicion of any reasonable person.

    We are advocating a set-up where the common people can directly interact with the government, without any fear. There must be allegations galore that do inquire a lawful and transparent manner.


  • We, the newspaper-team, have gathered all our knowledge (besser: gathered all information we could get) to fight for justice against a corrupt system. We pursue dismissal of criminal charges and civil claims against individuals when these charges are not founded in law, equity or fact.
    We are asking for equality in this country that condemns briberies (Bestecher) as criminals.

    also nach dem ersten durchlesen ist mir da kein Fehler ins Auge gefallen. ich übernehm aber selbstverständlich keine Garantie dafür :)
    und bei den Kommata kann man sich im englischen ohnehin nie sicher sein...