Bitte um Durchsicht und Korrektur des Textes!

  • HI! Ich bitte euch folgende Charekteriestik (die mit text references angefertig werden soll)
    auf sämtlichen Fehlern, wie z.B: Sprache & Rechtschreibung zu korrigieren.
    Danke. Am besten wäre es natürlich ihr kennt die story "Apartment Hunting"
    von Harvey and Audrey Bilker. Was kann mann abschließend noch sagen (Schlußwort)? und welche weiteren
    Verbesserungen habt ihr? ich freure mich!!!
    Mrs. Reardon is one of the main character in the play "Apartment Hunting" by Audrey Bilker,
    in which she tries to catch an apartment together with her husband.

    Her character is definitive described as the dominated one, compared to Mr Readon.
    That becomes clear from: "Reardon began to reply gently, but his wife's loud and now
    irritated voice overhelmed his politeness" (l. 34), or line 234 in which she gives her
    own husband an order, to which he also obeys, and line 274 where she instructs Mr. Reardon
    wasting not any time.
    Furthermore this women seems to be a lively and vivacious person, which reflects
    "Mrs. Reardon's expression turned almos animal" (l. 42), and besides Mrs. Reardon is
    potrayed as a zealous women, like line 145 shows: "Eargerly, Mrs Reardon perused the list

  • Mrs. Reardon is one of the main characterS in the

    in which she tries to catch an apartment together with her husband.

    Catch? was willst du damit ausdrücken?

    Her character is definitive described as the dominate one, compared to Mr Readon.
    du meinst, dass sie dominanter ist? dann: as the dominant one...

    portayed as a zealous women, like line 145 shows: "Eargerly, Mrs Reardon perused the list

    mehr "Fehler" hab' ich nicht gefunden und leider kenne ich das Werk, dass du hier bearbeitest nicht einmal im Geringsten.... :(