Könnt ihr Fehler bitte korrigieren und Verbesserungen durchführen.. danke
1)Arriving in the future, the creatures are very interested in the Time Traveller.
They touch him all over the body to make sure he is real but they behave like children.
Trying to teach them something, they lost their interest and become very tired.They are also very lazy but the creatures are very friendly to the guest.
2)I think they show no fear because of their age.They behave like children and they aren't afraid of anything.That's why they don't know war.
3)He expected to find a very intelligent civilation and a advanced techology but he had been dissapointed.There was a stupid civilation and the techology wasn't advanced.
4)The Future is a rich and beautiful place.The habitans don't know war and that's why the place is peaceful.The creatures are very friendly but the technology isn't advanced
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