Beiträge von thao0910

    könnt ihr mal schauen ob ich das alles richtig geschrieben habe ;) hihihi dankkee.. ;) .

    dans lE 20. chapitre de la lecture "La Grande Ville",Pouce et Poussy sont en Italie.Elles flânent dans la ville. Touts les garcons se retournent. Mais, Pouce et Poussy sont énervÉES et ennuyés. Elles entrent dans UN magasin de mode.Quand elles voient un policier, elles ONT PEUR.Le policier entre dans lE magasin et veut savoir toutefois seulement si les gens qui attendent dehors,??????? les filles pas nerfs. Elles Répondent <<Oui,Non>>.

    Könnt ihr Fehler bitte korrigieren und Verbesserungen durchführen.. danke

    1)Arriving in the future, the creatures are very interested in the Time Traveller.
    They touch him all over the body to make sure he is real but they behave like children.
    Trying to teach them something, they lost their interest and become very tired.They are also very lazy but the creatures are very friendly to the guest.

    2)I think they show no fear because of their age.They behave like children and they aren't afraid of anything.That's why they don't know war.

    3)He expected to find a very intelligent civilation and a advanced techology but he had been dissapointed.There was a stupid civilation and the techology wasn't advanced.

    4)The Future is a rich and beautiful place.The habitans don't know war and that's why the place is peaceful.The creatures are very friendly but the technology isn't advanced

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    Hier seht ihr meine Zusammenfassung.Könnt ihr mir bitte Grammatikfehler berichtigen sowie Rechtschreibfehler und vielleicht auch den Schreibstil,sodass es sich nicht so *KLUMP'anhört.Wer sehr nett.Weil wird morgen benotet

    The Time Traveller recognizes creatures which are very small and come up to him. They are not frightend to see him and the Time Traveller isn't also afraid.
    After he tries to begin a conversation whith them re recognizes that they has a strange language.He indicates them he does not understand.
    The creatures touches his hand and the other touch him all over to verify he is real.They behave like children.
    when the cratures handle his Time Machine he gets fear and put it in is pocket.

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