nochmal ich

  • Mother is a very religious and strict person. She does not like the grandfather because of his strange lifestyle. She takes every care to keep the children apart from him. Also she is a little desperate because of her children. They often play games about the grandfather because they see him every week on the way to the confession. When she sees her children playing this game they knocked them with her bare hand. She is the dominate person in the family and has the control in her marriage with her man. She does not allow her children to go alone to the village, because she has anxiety for her children.

    ist das gut

  • The grandfather is a very intelligent man and also he looks very good. He has a very strange lifestyle. Only one moth after his first wife died, he married a 45-years-old flighty woman.
    When this wife died too, he becomes a drinker, and only leaves his house to go in a pub.
    He has not a normal contact to his family because his mother-in-law does not like him very much. So the only time he sees his grandchildren is when they go with their mother to church. Although he is a drinker he looks very nice. He is heavily built and has a straight-backed and his face is very red and also he has white whiskers. When he meets his grandson Tom Burke, he is very friendly to him and tells him stories about the village. After the conversation Tom likes his grandfather although he does not see his grandfather before.

    und wie stehts mit dem ??? danke im vorraus

  • The grandfather is a very intelligent man and also he looks very good.
    Die Satzgliedstellung ist falsch würde ich sagen.

    Only one moth after his first wife died...
    Du meinst sicher "month"?

    When this wife died too, he becomes a drinker...
    "he became", das müsste past sein (die ehefrau ist ja vor einiger zeit gestorben, zu dem Zeitpunkt ist er Alkoholiker geworden).

    when they go with their mother to church.

    Ich würde sagen "when they go to church with their mother"

    "After the conversation Tom likes his grandfather although he does not see his grandfather before. "

    ??Trifft er ihn öfter oder meinst du nur dieses eine mal?

  • Zitat

    When he meets his grandson Tom Burke, he is very friendly to him and tells him stories about the village. After the conversation Tom likes his grandfather although he does not see his grandfather before.

    Dann würde ich das im simple past schreiben! (Die unterstrichenen Verben auf alle Fälle, die kursiven weiß ich nicht)