• Hey @ all,

    ich hab englisch erst seit kurzem als Fach und wir haben jetzt die Vergangenheitsformen.
    Könntet ihr mir vielleicht diese Formen in Klammern richtig in die Vergangenheit setzen? Die meisten sind in simple past, aber da sind auch welche im past progressive, past perfect oder past perfect progressive. Wäre nett, danke im voraus

    1. Actually Columbus feet never (touch) the continent : have never ouched

    2. Columbus (sail) across the Atlantic and (land) on the island... sailed...landed

    3. He (not be) the first person to visit the island because people (already live) there when he (arrive)...:was not...had already lived

    4. In fact, they (live) there for many years ..had lived..

    5. He (not be) even the first visitor because the vikings (already sail) to north america years before was not.. had sailed..

    6. And it is possible that Africans (make) the journey long years before ...had made..

    7. He (make) four trips across the atlantic. made

    8. One of the main reasons he travelled there was that he (look) for gold. ..was looking..

    9. When he (find) it on Haiti, he (force) the people there to mine the gold ...found..forced

    10. his treatment of them (be) cruel ..was

    11. Before Columbus, there (be) several million native people on haiti had been..

    12. By 1520 the number (fall) to a few thousands..had fallen

    Danke nochmal im voraus!!

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