Hallo ich soll ein Text über eine saubere Stadt schreiben, also so wie ich sie mir vorstelle. Weil wir haben heute in Englisch Charles Dickens „Hard Times“ gelesen und da kommt ja „Coketown“ vor. Nun halt das Gegenteil davon, aber im Rahmen des 19ten Jahrhundert.Also bitte mal auf Fehler überprüfen und Meinung äußern, danke schön.
In my opinion I see a small town with many green places. I hear birds sing, a beautiful melodiy. Children are playing in the street ,the trains do not cause pollution. The river is clean and the re are different kind sof fish .A large variety of animal species live in the park of Cleantown. The inhabitants are all content and live in harmony with nature. The town has a manufacture with machines, but these machines work by steam, also the fumes are not injurious for the environment. The sun is shining, the temperature is pleasant and the clouds are white. The air is fresh and clean, in the afternoon the people are in the parks of the town and enjoy the evening. No big smoking chimneys in the sky. The people are protected from the nitrogen pollution, no Illnesses of lung or the skin. The weather has no influence from the factories. The Opposite of „Coketown” is my image of Cleantown.