wir sollen in Englisch eine Lebensgeschichte aus der Sicht eines Obdachlosen schreiben.Wir haben dazu eine Anregung per Arbeitsblatt bekommen.Also wir sollen uns einen Charakter ausdenken und dann halt aus der "Ich" Perspektive schreiben.
Hier mein Text(ist noch nicht ganz fertig):
Hello my name is Bob. I GREW up in a village in Jamaica. My mother was a prostitute and my father was an alcoholic. My childhood was terrible, therefore I crossED the sea to England. I was full of hope to find a better world and a job. AT that time I was sixteen years old. I met different people and drugs. Drugs are a good way to forget and to find no job. I SLEPT under a bridge, there are my friends from the street. I’m an unskilled, drug taking men. My future is nowhere, the street is my home. I don’t see anybody to help or change my life.