Beiträge von richard

    Solon philosophus clarissimus orbis terrarum videndi causa Athenis profectus ad Croesum regem venit. Qui maximis divitiis mostratis eum rogavit, quem beatissimum omnium hominum arbitraretur. Vix cunctatus ille:,,Tellus'' inquit, ,, Atheniensis, nam nemo beatius vixit, nemo honestius vita cessit.'' Quae verba indignatus rex: ,, Et quid de me? Nonne ego beatior sum?'' . Solon autem:,, Nemo ante mortem beatus appellari potest.''


    Nachdem Solon, der berühmteste Philosph des Erdkreises, um zu sehen(als Tourist!) von Athen gereist war, kam er zum König Croesus. dieser zeigte ihm seine riesigen Reichtümer und fragte ihn, wen er als den glücklichsten aller Menschen beurteile. Ohne zu zögern, sagte jener:"Tellus, der Athener, denn niemand lebte glücklichster als er, niemand schied ehrenvoller aus dem leben."
    Über diese Worte erzürnt sagte der König:" Und was ist mit mir? Bin ich denn nicht glücklicher?" Solon aber (sagte): " Niemand kann vor seinem Tod als glücklch bezeichnet werden."

    Hier ein paar hilfen:


    Expressing a confirmed opinion
    Eine feste Meinung ausdrücken

    It is certain/undeniable/ evident Es ist sicher/ unleugbar/ offensichtlich
    It is a matter of course Es ist selbstverständlich
    It is beyond any question Es bedarf keiner Frage
    Without any doubt Ohne jeden Zweifel
    We can exclude the possibility Wir können die Möglichkeit ausschließen
    It is impossible that Es ist unmöglich,dass
    It cannot be disputed Es kann nicht bestritten werden
    On the basis of all available evidence Auf der Basis aller verfügbaren Informationen
    It meets the eye Es fällt ins Auge
    It is a matter of common sense Der gesunde Menschenverstand sagt
    Nobody in sane mind would say Niemand würde bei klarem Verstand sagen

    To weigh the Pros and Cons
    Das Für und Wider abwägen

    Yor are right in saying Sie haben recht, wenn Sie sagen
    You are mistaken Sie irren sich
    I admit/ understand Ich gebe zu/verstehe
    I don’t agree with Ich bin nicht einverstanden mit
    On the other hand Andererseits
    I would contradict Ich möchte widersprechen
    I fully agree with Ich bin völlig einverstanden mit
    Altogether Alles in allem
    One has to admit Man muss zugeben
    It is erroneous to believe Es ist irrtümlich, anzunehmen
    The bottom line is Was scließlich dabei herauskommt, ist
    All facts duly considered Unter Berücksichtigung aller Tatsachen

    Referring to someone/something
    Sich auf jemanden/etwas beziehen

    Speaking of Bezüglich
    Referring to Unter Bezug auf
    As to Was...betrifft
    In this respect In dieser Hinsicht
    With reference to Mit Bezug auf
    To quote an expert opinion Um eine Expertenmeinung zu zitieren

    Germanorum civitatibus maxima laus erat quam latissime circum se vastatos fines habere. Hoc proprium esse virtutisputubant, hoc se tutiores fore arbitrabantur. Praeterea hospitem laedere fas non putabant; neque ignoramus, cur ita arbitrati sint. Caesar enim tradidit eos arbitrari hospites esse sanctos. Ita arbitrati eos ab iniuria prohibebant omnique victu iuvabant.


    Für die Stämme der Germane gilt es als größter Ruhm, umsich herum so weit wie möglich verwüstetes Gebiet zu haben. Dies hhielten sie für ein Merkmal der Tapferkeit, dadurch meinten sie, in Zukunft sicherer zu sein.
    Ausserdem ielten sie es nicht für göttliches Recht, einen Gast zu verletzen; und wir wissen nicht, warum sie dieser Meinung waren. Caesar nämlich hat überliefert, sie meinten, dass Gäste Heilig(unverletzbar) seien. Sa sie so glaubten, schützten sie sie vor Unrecht und unterstützten sie durch Nahrung.

    Reliquit eam monente Bruto, ne patribus iam diu exspectantibus molestus esset . Curiam intravit, ubi a bruto eiusque amicis pugionibus petitus est.

    Er verlies sie(WEN?) , weil Brutus ihn mahnte, er solle den schon lange wartenden Senatoren nicht lästig sein. Er betrat den Senat, wo er von Brutus und dessen Freunden mit Dolchen angegriffen wurde.

    Cum turrim procul instrui viderent , primo riserunt ex muro, quod tanta machinatio a tanto spatio instrueretur. Rogaverunt, quibus manibus aut quibus viribus ab hominibus tam parvis tanta turris muro posset imponi; nam plerumque omnes Galli ob magnitudinem corporum suorum brevitatem nostram despiciunt.

    Als sie von weitem sahen, wie der urm aufgebaut wurdem lachten sie zuerst von der Mauer aus, weil eine so große Maschine in so kurzen Zeitraum aufgebaut wurde, sie vragten sich, mit welchen Händen und Kräften von so kleinen Menschen ein so großer Turm an die Mauer gelegt werden konnte, denn meistens verachten alle Gallier wegen der Größe ihrer eigenen Körper unsre kleinere Körpergröße.

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    Probleme bei hausaufgaben. Bitte um korrektur :)
    Hey...könnt ihr mir bitte meine Ha's korrigieren? ich bin leider ne niete in englisch X( wär super lieb...bitte bitte

    The man, called Vingo, who sat on the bus in front of us was simply dressed and seemed very reserved and nervous. We noticed quickly that he never moved. He sat there in complete silence while chewing the inside of his lips a lot. We tried to imagine his life and wondere d about him. Severar times one of us began to talk with him, but he didn't say too much . As we reached another Howard Jonson's Restaurant, Vingo went in. We insisted that he join us. The whole time he smoked nervously and seemed very shy. After a while he told us that he had been in jail for the last four jears. Now he was heading for home and hoped that his wife, to whom he had written a letter before the parole, was waiting there for him. If she did not have a new husband and wanted him back she should let him know by putting a yellow handkerchief on the big oak tree on the outskirts of Brunswick. Therefore he was extremely nervous for fear of a disappointment. On the way to Brunswick Vingo was very strained. As we arrived in Brunswick all of us were up out their seats screaming, shouting and crying. All except Vingo. He sat there stunned and was locking at the old oak tree, which was covered with hundreds of yellow handkerchiefs. Meanwhile Vingo slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.

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    Themenübersicht (neuste Beiträge zuerst)
    Probleme bei hausaufgaben. Bitte um korrektur :)
    Hey...könnt ihr mir bitte meine Ha's korrigieren? ich bin leider ne niete in englisch X( wär super lieb...bitte bitte

    The man, called Vingo, who sat on the bus in front of us was simply dressed and seemed very reserved and nervous. We noticed quickly that he never moved. He sat there in complete silence while chewing the inside of his lips a lot. We tried to imagine his life and wondere d about him. Severar times one of us began to talk with him, but he didn't say too much . As we reached another Howard Jonson's Restaurant, Vingo went in. We insisted that he join us. The whole time he smoked nervously and seemed very shy. After a while he told us that he had been in jail for the last four jears. Now he was heading for home and hoped that his wife, to whom he had written a letter before the parole, was waiting there for him. If she did not have a new husband and wanted him back she should let him know by putting a yellow handkerchief on the big oak tree on the outskirts of Brunswick. Therefore he was extremely nervous for fear of a disappointment. On the way to Brunswick Vingo was very strained. As we arrived in Brunswick all of us were up out their seats screaming, shouting and crying. All except Vingo. He sat there stunned and was locking at the old oak tree, which was covered with hundreds of yellow handkerchiefs. Meanwhile Vingo slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.

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    Themenübersicht (neuste Beiträge zuerst)
    Probleme bei hausaufgaben. Bitte um korrektur :)
    Hey...könnt ihr mir bitte meine Ha's korrigieren? ich bin leider ne niete in englisch X( wär super lieb...bitte bitte

    The man, called Vingo, who sat on the bus in front of us was simply dressed and seemed very reserved and nervous. We noticed quickly that he never moved. He sat there in complete silence while chewing the inside of his lips a lot. We tried to imagine his life and wondere d about him. Severar times one of us began to talk with him, but he didn't say too much . As we reached another Howard Jonson's Restaurant, Vingo went in. We insisted that he join us. The whole time he smoked nervously and seemed very shy. After a while he told us that he had been in jail for the last four jears. Now he was heading for home and hoped that his wife, to whom he had written a letter before the parole, was waiting there for him. If she did not have a new husband and wanted him back she should let him know by putting a yellow handkerchief on the big oak tree on the outskirts of Brunswick. Therefore he was extremely nervous for fear of a disappointment. On the way to Brunswick Vingo was very strained. As we arrived in Brunswick all of us were up out their seats screaming, shouting and crying. All except Vingo. He sat there stunned and was locking at the old oak tree, which was covered with hundreds of yellow handkerchiefs. Meanwhile Vingo slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.

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    Themenübersicht (neuste Beiträge zuerst)
    Probleme bei hausaufgaben. Bitte um korrektur :)
    Hey...könnt ihr mir bitte meine Ha's korrigieren? ich bin leider ne niete in englisch X( wär super lieb...bitte bitte

    The man, called Vingo, who sat on the bus in front of us was simply dressed and seemed very reserved and nervous. We noticed quickly that he never moved. He sat there in complete silence while chewing the inside of his lips a lot. We tried to imagine his life and wondere d about him. Severar times one of us began to talk with him, but he didn't say too much . As we reached another Howard Jonson's Restaurant, Vingo went in. We insisted that he join us. The whole time he smoked nervously and seemed very shy. After a while he told us that he had been in jail for the last four jears. Now he was heading for home and hoped that his wife, to whom he had written a letter before the parole, was waiting there for him. If she did not have a new husband and wanted him back she should let him know by putting a yellow handkerchief on the big oak tree on the outskirts of Brunswick. Therefore he was extremely nervous for fear of a disappointment. On the way to Brunswick Vingo was very strained. As we arrived in Brunswick all of us were up out their seats screaming, shouting and crying. All except Vingo. He sat there stunned and was locking at the old oak tree, which was covered with hundreds of yellow handkerchiefs. Meanwhile Vingo slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.