Answer questions - complete sentences

  • Hallo Richard!

    Ich mußte folgende Fragen beantworten - kannste mal draufschauen? Danke!

    a) What was the origin of writing?
    Many thousands of years ago the Egyptians wrote in kind of writing called "hieroglyphic". The drew pictures and this was the origin of writing.

    b) Try to define what culture is.
    Every nation has its own way to life. The peoples (im Sinne von Völkern) hear different kinds of music, wear different clothes, eat different food and speak different languages.

    c) What is the difference between spoken and written language?
    When you speak you can use your mimic to explain something an you can show your emotions.

    d) Why is writing so important for the human culture?
    We need writing for the science, for our education, for communication with people who life far away.

    e) Explain why the alphabet became an important breakthrough.
    The alphabet became an important breakthrough because it is simplier to write and you are able to write more in a shorter time.

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