Bitte helft mir und korrigiert meine hausaufgabe!
I have wanted to write this letter to you for months but what could I say after what I have done? Then my mother told me to just write down my thoughts and feelings, and that is what I´m going to do.The day of the the terrible accident my friend Anna and I couldn´t stay at school because our friend died in an accident during the winter.We had to stop thinking about the loss so we skipped the afternoon-classes and borrowed a Jeep to cruise around. On the road I pulled too far to the right and drove into the bushes on the side of the road then I overreacted, lurched back onto the road and crashed head on into the car of your relatives. It was horrible. When I woke up in the hospital I was told that Bernice and Marguarite were dead. I get terrible feelings of guilt, I thought that it would have been better if I had been the one who died. I became depressive and went to a psychiatrist to learn to deal with my depressions. He told me, exact like my mother, that I should write to you to cope with the situation.
I ralialized what I have done, that I caused many pain to you and I can´t make amends what I have done. I know that it´s almost impossible to you to forgive me but I hope you do it, not today, not tomorrow and even not this year but anytime.
Vielen Dank !!!