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  • Interpretation of “Some Say”

    The poem “Some Say” written by Emily Dickinson consists of two short stanzas.
    Each of the stanzas consists of three lines and they have an identical layout. The nearly
    equal number of words, which the lines contain, gives reasons for this fact.
    This poem contains the opinion of Emily Dickinson about all kinds of communication basing on spoken or written words.
    The first stanza deals with the special opinion of some people. They say that a word is dead when it was already spoken or written down. This group of people wants to say that the words have not any importance for the future behaviour.
    However Emily Dickinson contradicts this opinion in the second stanza. She claims that spoken or written words begin to live and not to die. She wants to tell us that these words make each kind of communication between human beings possible and can have (great) consequences in the future. Maybe a discussion or a dispute starts.

    Emily Dickinson was one of the most important American poets. She wrote more than about 1.700 poems.
    Words are necessary for each author. Without them, they could not write any kind of story, poem or information (newspaper). So you can comprehend Emily Dickinson’s notion about the “life” of spoken words. If her works have not had any distant echo, she would have written them in vain.

    In the age of thirty, Emily Dickinson retreat from the social life. Even her best friends were only able to communicate with her through the closed door.
    So, I only understand a bit of her notion, because somebody who locks himself in, does not make any communication and does not use many words.

  • :D welch zufall. von emily dickinson hab ich letztens erst die kurzbiographie gelesen... tz..

    Each of the stanzas consists of three lines which have an identical layout. Every line containing nearly the same number (amount) of words, gives reasons for this fact.

    of communication based on spoken or written words.
    (based klingt einfach besser)

    They say that a word is already dead when it's spoken or written down.
    (ich bin mir nicht sicher, was du genau mit dem satz sagen willst, doch so ist es besserer Style. ob es jetzt immer noch deine Zielaussage ist, musst du wissen... )

    Emily Dickinson was one of the most important american poets. She wrote more than (about) 1.700 poems.
    (ich würd das about weglassen...)

    In the age of thirty, Emily Dickinson retreat from the social life.
    (retreat is eher so die militärische schiene, es geht zwar auch, aber wenn, dann "retreated". vllt kannst du auch "resiled" nehmen...)

    vllt wäre auch wichtig zu sagen, dass zu ihren lebzeiten nur 6 Gedichte oder so rauskamen. der rest wurde post mortem veröffentlicht. Somit kannst du deine meinung evtl noch einmal überdenken. sie hat die gedichte nicht geschrieben, damit sie veröffentlicht werden. sie hat sie für gute freunde geschrieben. und wahrscheinlich auch für sich selbst. und nur weil man wenig erzählt, heisst das nicht zwangsläufig, dass man wenig worte benutzt. die 1700 Gedichte sind ihr wohl auch nicht im Traum erschienen, und hat sie am nächsten Tag niedergeschrieben.... ;)

    the fog is rising....