Hi, hoffe jemand kann mir sagen ob dieser text so aktzeptabel ist oder irgendwelche formen falsch sind....englisch ist nicht so meine stärke...
At the beginning of this year I went to london. I saw many important sights of london, like the Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Tower Brigde, London Eye and much more. In the london Eye, I could see over all of london and it seems that the city would never end. My first impression was, that london is a very big city and people from all over the world came to london. The city was so clean, there was nowhere rubbish on the streets, although just a few garbages. In the underground all poeple were very friendly and say „sorry“, if they unintentionally bumped another person. Difficult to understand was the highway code, because I always looked to the wrong side of the street.