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-The triangular trade is a trade of three harbours or areas -the most famous triangular trade was the trade of the 18th century between Europe, Africa, the West-Indian islands and the North American colonies. -the triangle started from Europe to Africa, when ships brought European manufactures like textiles or tools to Africa and exchanged for slave. -then the ships transported the slaves to America, where they had to work on cotton plantations or tobacco plantations. Then from America they took these resources again to Europe and sold them,where the process starts again. was started -this circulation stamped the economic development of the three continents. In Europe the industrial production and therefore the development of factories and jobs was boost (angekurbeln) and the ship industry, particularly in Britain, blossomed. - however, the aim of the European states was to receive profit from her colonies . Therefore the colonies were, in principle ,only exploited and were never equal trading partners -therefore, Africa also sold slaves, because they did not have resources to trade like their competition
- Alternatives to the slave trade were never considered even till the 19th century,because the slave trade was for Africa still an important industry.