Umfrageergebnisreport - ist das richtig?

  • Könnt ihr bitte mal durchsehen ob das richtig ist? DANKE!


    There are several differences between what young people want to do in life in Britain and Germany. First of all, the British survey found that 56 % of young male Britons want to own a own home . On the other hand, our survey showed, that 70 % of the male Germans want to have an own home.
    55 % of the German girls want to own an own home. In the UK 62 % of the girls want this.
    Only 50 % of the German boys want to own an own business, less German girls (42%) want to do that. Similar results can be found in the UK: 48 % of both sex want to own an own business there.
    As many girls as boys in Germany (77%) want to have children. In the UK more girls (48 %) than boys (44%) want to have children. This shows us, that more young people in Germany than in the UK want to have children.
    In Germany, 44 % of the boys and 50 % of the girls want to be a millionaire by 35. In the UK more boys (45%) than girls (41%) want to have such much money. So we have quite similar wishes.
    Surprisingly, more German girls than boys (32% of the boys, 42% of the girls) want to represent their country in sport. In the UK, less girls (10 %) than boys (32 %) want this.
    24 % of the German boys, and 66 % of the German girls want to be famous. Only a quarter times as many UK girls as German girls want that.
    32 % of the German boys want to write a book. As many as Twice than that, 60 % of the German girls want to do that. In UK much less boys (15%) and girls (16%) want this.
    In Germany 67 % of the boys, and only 37 % of the girls think, that using Ecstasy should be illegal.
    In the UK less boys, but more girls than in Germany, think the same way.
    39 % of the girls think, that hunting wild animals should be illegal. Twice as many boys as girls think this. In the UK about 55 % of the boys and girls think so, too.
    62 % of the boys and 48 % of the girls think, that using guns in private gun-clubs should be illegal.
    In the UK 30 % of the boys and 40 % of the girls think this.
    59 % of the boys and 46 % of the girls think, that using cannabis should be illegal. In the UK the numbers are much lower. Only about 25 % think so.
    50 %the boys and girls think, that smoking in public should be illegal.
    In the UK only 15 % (much less than in Germany) think that smoking should be illegal.
    I don't know why, but 61 % of the boys ad only 12 % of the girls think, that abortion should be illegal. The opinion in the UK is different. About 15 % think, that abortion should be illegal there.
    11 % of the boys and a much higher percentage of the girls (50%) think, that gay/lesbian sex should be illegal. In the UK more boys than girls think, that this should be illegal.
    What wasn't very surprising for me was, that only 11 % of the boys think, that sex on TV should be illegal. But much more girls (49 %) think the same. In the UK, only 9 % of the boys think so. But also much less girls than in Germany (15%)
    21 % of the boys and 50 % of the girls think, that violence on TV should be illegal.
    In the UK, only about 7 % have the same opinion.