mal drüber lesen und vielleicht korregieren thx

  • :)
    Deutsche Telekom


    Deutsche Telekom is one of the four largest telecommunications companies in the world. The Telekom group offers solutions from its main business areas - mobile communications, Internet, wire networks and system solutions - from one source. Telekom have hundred million private and business customers worldwide. Deutsche Telekom is base of 4 Divisions.
    T-COM witch organise, build up and maintain the wire networks like telecommunication systems, Internet backbone and so on.
    T-Mobile the 2nd Division is a leading mobile communications provider worldwide. T-Online is one of the most important players on the Internet-Service-Provider market in Europe. And the last Division T-System on of the largest systems houses in Europe.
    These strategic divisions of Deutsche Telekom brings it in an optimal position for the future of the so-called TIMES-market - Telecommunications, Information technology, Mobile communication, Entertainment and Security services
    Deutsche Telekom has energetically advanced internationalisation over the last few years. With many of international subsidiaries and affiliates in over 65 countries. The strong presence is not only restricted to Western, Central and Eastern Europe, but is also felt in the USA and all other continents. Deutsche Telekom (including affiliates) employs about 256,000 people, with almost every third employee working outside Germany.
    Main tasks of Deutsche Telekom are to be the most customer-friendly, most popular and most successful company in information and telecommunication market and continuously write new standards in the information society worldwide.

    The Firm

    Deutsche Telekom Group is a great Stock Company. In year 2002 Deutsche Telekom had an revenue of 53,7 billion euro that was 11 percent more when the year before. But no profit was attain. Last year 24,6 billion euro minus was made. The debt reduced from EUR 64.3 billion in the third quarter 2002 to EUR 61.1 billion.
    The year 2002 was very varied in personal affairs. In first half of the year the long time Chairman of the Board of Management Mr. Ron Sommer left the Board and Mr. Sihler was for 6 months the boss. In this time much speculation for his successors are in the world. Finely comes Kai Uwe Ricke to the new Chairman. Also in the board of Management some changes was made.
    Because of the bad economic situation Telekom started an reduce of working places. In the time of restructuring the Personnel Service Agency or short PSA was founded in this Agency goes all people their position was cleared. Most of the qualified trainees go as well to PAS, too. But was it PSA? PSA is a Telekom intern time working firm that means intern or extern customers can rent this people for a while to work in there departments or there firms.

  • soll ich mit der Themenüberschrift anfangen? "korrigieren"

    da die deutsche Telekom AG als global player zu sehen ist, würde ich nicht davor zurückschrecken, "german telekom" zu schreiben. Meine meinung... eigentlich ist es ja ein Eigenname

    "Telekom have hundred million... " = has
    "D.T. is base of 4 Divisions" besser: is divided in 4 subsidary companies (Tochtergesellschaften). wobei ich nicht weiss, obs denn tatsächlich juristische Tochtergesellschaften sind. ansonsten geht: D.T. cuts into 4 divisions.
    "T-COM witch organise" --> wenn schon, dann "which" und bei den Verben fehlt das "s" hinten
    "These strategic divisions..." besser: "all together, these divisions put this telecommunications company in an optimal position..."
    "internationalisation " huh? das wortungetüm gibts? nimm "globalisation"
    "the USA and all other continents... " nanana... noch sind die USA kein eigener Kontinent.. ;) nimm "north america"
    "Main tasks of D. T. are to be..." --> "are to become" weil sie es ja erst in zukunft werden können
    "write new standards" --> meiner meinung nach wäre "create" besser

    "In year 2002" --> "in 2002"
    "an revenue" --> "a revenue" wobei ich eher von buiseness volume sprechen würde. Oder hatte DT tatsächlich ein reines Einkommen (=Verdienst) von 53 mia Euro???
    "that was 11 percent more when the year before" --> "that was 11 percent above the preceding year " oder "which was an incease of 11 percent in comparision to the previous year"
    "But no profit was attain" --> "was attained"
    "Last year 24,6 billion euro minus was made" --> "Last year a loss of 24,6 billion Euro was made"
    "was very varied" grammtikalisch korrekt.. aber im ausdruck gibts dafür evtl abzüge... kannsts aber auch so lassen...
    "was for 6 months the boss" --> "was the boss for 6 months "
    "In this time much speculation for his successors are in the world" wie wärs mit "during this time rumours abounded who might be the successor"
    "Finely comes Kai Uwe Ricke to the new Chairman." --> "finally K.U. Ricke became the new chairman"
    "some changes was made" --> "were made"
    "Because of the bad economic" --> besser: "Due to.. "
    "an reduce of working places" --> "started reducing/cutting jobs"
    "In the time of restructuring the Personnel Service Agency or short PSA was founded in this Agency goes all people their position was cleared" --> bitte WAS? was willst du sagen? ?(
    "well to PAS " --> ich denk PSA?
    "work in there departments" --> 2x "their "

    am anfang gings ja.. aber zum ende hin.. auweia.. ich hab garantiert einige orthographische Fehler übersehen.. schau lieber selbst nochmal nach.
    3. Person singular: s ans Verb
    artikel vor Wörtern, die mit Vokal beginnen: an
    sonst immer a

    so, ansonsten viel glück