The Picture of Dorian Gray – A Mystery Story
This evening Dorian Gray had been invited to a party at eight o’clock by Lord Henry’s aunt Agatha. After staying in the club in the afternoon and having some superficial conversations with a young dandy about some curious incidents of some interesting female members of London’s society, he left his house at half past seven and drove with his carriage to his host’s house.
When he entered the sombre vestibule he could already hear the familiar, melodic voice of his ??? friend talking to his aunt and the sounds (lute= Musikinstrument Laute!) of the other guests. The Lady’s butler took his coat and showed him into the dining room. He entered the room and looked round: Lord Henry was sitting next to Lady Agatha, who had taken her seat at the top. He recognized Lord Salisbury, an elder, conservative gentleman, who was talking to the Duchess of Harley, a lady of admirable good-nature and good temper. Sitting opposite was Sir Thomas Burdon, a Radical member of Parliament, who was engaged in a serious discussion on the current reforms created by his party and resolved by the Queen. Next to him sat Lord Faudel and Mrs Vandeleur.
Dorian knew each one of them, either from the club or from former dinner parties he was invited to.
“Dorian! What a pleasure to see you!“ Lady Agatha suddenly cried when she recognized him. “London’s most beautiful bachelor! Your good looks never seem to change!”
Her shrill words directed the party’s attention to Dorian. Everybody became silent and looked at him. He smiled kindly and greeted the other guests. The people's reactions were different Most of them returned his welcome, but some ignored him and turned back into their conversations or looked disgustedly at him.
He went to Lady Agatha to have a chat and to thank for the invitation. Then he took his seat next to Lord Henry and fell into an intimate conversation with him.
During the meal Lord Dartmoor, a most intelligent elder gentleman, who was sitting at the end of the large table, asked Lord Henry loudly about his uncle’s health. While Lord Henry was telling him about Lord Fermor’s mood, Dorian turned his attention to the young pretty lady sitting next to Lord Dartmoor. The only person Dorian Gray didn’t know this evening.
She had long blond hair, blue eyes and a perfect dream (?) smile. Dorian was so fascinated by her innocent beauty, that he could not avert his eyes from her face. Sometimes, when their eyes met, she smiled embarrassed and looked down to the ground. Dorian found that childlike behaviour charming and one could notice a little smile on his mouth every time she did it.
After the dinner Lady Agatha invited her guests to get something to drink in the drawing room. While the people followed the Lady, Dorian requested Lord Henry to wait a moment in order to ask him, who the young beautiful lady, sitting next to Lord Dartmoor, was.
“My dear fellow,” Lord Henry replied. “This is Lord Dartmoor’s daughter Juliet. She is one of the most popular young ladies in London. But her strict father keeps always an eye on her. He is an eminently respectable member of society and a member of the royal family, as you know. But he only pretends always being reputable, however, he has got a cruel secret: Juliet is not his only child. There is also a boy, whose existence is quite unknown. He is the product of an affair with a mistress. To keep his good reputation, the Lord forced the mistress to kill the baby, but she didn’t do it. He killed her, so that she never will uncover his secret. “
“Dreadful! But how do you know about that? Perhaps, it is just a rumour?”
“No, it is quite true, Dorian.” Lord Henry answered. “Lord Dartmoor himself, who was a close friend of my uncle, asked him, whether he knew anybody who could do such a deed. That fool really trusted him.”
“Terrible! Such an elf like person is the daughter of a cruel monster.
Harry, she is really fascinating me! You must introduce me to her!”
Lord Henry consented and leaded him to the cruel father and his wonderful daughter, who were standing in front of the chimney, talking to Lady Agatha.
But Lord Henry didn’t need to introduce Dorian, because his aunt was faster. “Harry! Dorian! Join in our conversation!” she cried when she saw them coming. “George, Juliet, do you know Dorian Gray?” the old lady asked Lord Salisbury and his daughter.
Lady Agatha introduced them to Dorian and raved about him in admiration and Lord Henry started a discussion about the American lifestyle with Lord Salisbury.
Dorian took the chance to chat with Juliet. He spoke to her very charmingly and told her, that he was very bored by the party. So she agreed to go out for a walk through the park. Dorian really was struck by her beauty.
While they were going through the foggy night, Dorian overwhelmed her with compliments. The more compliments he made the more embarrassed she got and more appetites rose in him.
In the park they sat down on a bench and looked into each other's eyes intensively. Dorian felt that she was not loath to him and so he approached to kiss her.
When they were kissing his sexual appetites rose constantly. Dorian arose, she stepped up to him and he pressed her body to his. At the beginning Juliet liked it, but then Dorian got out of control. He pressed her more violently and left her no chance to escape.
Juliet tried to speak to him, but he gave no answer. When she recognized, that she was in danger, she began to cry. Dorian stifled her crying by covering her mouth with his left hand. With the other one he tried to open her dress.
Voices in the fog approached before Dorian committed a crime.
Juliet’s clamour led a group of men in their direction. They saw the couple and hurried to them to prevent the violation.
“Juliet! Juliet!” one of the men cried. It was her thoughtful father, Lord Salisbury, who had missed his daughter at the party and had recruited a search party.
“Dorian? What is going on here?” a familiar voice shouted - Lord Henry Wotton appeared in the shine of a lamp.
The other men were Lady Agatha’s butlers, who tried to capture Dorian.
The fearful Juliet Salisbury ran into her father’s arms and began to tell him hysterically what had happened. Lord Henry went over to the lad and ordered the unwilling butlers to let him go. Having heard the story of Dorian’s brutal attempt to enforce his daughter’s love, Lord Salisbury started to abuse and to accuse him.
“I have yet heard some rumours of your immoral and indecent lifestyle Mr Gray, but when I saw you the first time today, I couldn’t believe it. Now I see which cruel monster is covered by your innocent beauty.
I will go to Scottlandyard Mr Gray, and I will take you to prison for what you tried to do!”
“Stop, George! Wait a moment before passing a sentence.” Lord Henry interrupted him.
“Before judging other people, one has to look into one's own mirror.. I go along with your opinion, that here exists a cruel monster, but it is not Dorian! I suppose you know what I mean George?”
Lord Salisbury was quiet. The colour of his face turned white and he tried to catch his breath.
“We don’t know what had happened, because we were no spectators of that scene. We only have the statement of Juliet Salisbury, but no evidence.” Lord Henry continued.
Juliet tried to raise an objection indignantly, but her nervy father calmed her down.
Lord Salisbury was afraid of uncovering his secret in front of his daughter and loosing his good reputation in society. He decided to overlook Dorian’s deed and to forget that night.
Dorian knew, that he almost committed a crime, but when he saw the helplessness in the eyes of his victim, a smile appeared on his lips.