Beiträge von richard

    Das geht alles am Prpblem vorbei.
    Wir liefern keine fertigen Lösungen, sondern helfen ´bei eigenen Bemühungen! Bitte in Zukunft berücksichtigen., sonst wird das Thema oder der Benutzer gesperrt!


    Das geht alles am Prpblem vorbei.
    Wir liefern keine fertigen Lösungen, sondern helfen ´bei eigenen Bemühungen! Bitte in Zukunft berücksichtigen., sonst wird das Thema oder der Benutzer gesperrt!


    His Life

    • He was born the 7th September 1963 in Compton
    • Eazy-E never planned on rapping in any songs
    • After a crew called “NWA” heard his rap, they wanted Eazy-E to be a member of their Crew
    • The five Crew-members recorded the protest song “F*** Tha Police” in 1988 in which they
    Criticized the racistic and violent policemen of Los Angeles
    • The LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) was angry about the song, but the black people in Los Angeles loved it, because they were thinking the same
    • Later he left the crew and started a solo career
    • His first album , “Eazy-Duz-It”, sold 2,000,000 copies
    • He recorded 5 other albums
    • 1992 he was heavily criticized by many rap-fans for supporting the lawyer of Theodore Briseño that took part in the Rodney King beating
    • He died the 26th March 1995 because of AIDS

    Sonst alles OK!

    "All Men Are Created Equal"

    Since 1776, no words in the Declaration of Independence have received more attention than Jefferson's phrase, "All men are created equal." But how could Jefferson and the other signers of the declaration believe this when slavery existed in the colonies? Some slave owners argued that slaves would become equal and worthy of natural rights only when they became civilized. For Jefferson, a life-long owner of slaves, this was a much more complex issue.

    At an early age, Jefferson concluded that slavery was wrong. To his credit, he attempted to denounce slavery, or at least the slave trade, in the Declaration of Independence. Some scholars believe that Jefferson agreed with the Scottish philosopher, Francis Hutcheson, that all men are born morally equal to one another and that "Nature makes none masters, none slaves." But, how does this explain that Jefferson kept most of his slaves throughout his lifetime?

    It appears that while Jefferson opposed slavery in principle, he saw no obvious way to end it once it became established. If the slaves were freed all at once, Jefferson feared that white prejudice and black bitterness would result in a war of extermination that the whites would win. He fretted that if slaves were individually emancipated they would have nowhere to go and no means to survive on their own. Of course, Jefferson along with most other Southern plantation owners were also economically dependent on slave labor.

    The best Jefferson could come up with was a plan to take slave children from their parents and put them in schools to be educated and taught a trade at public expense. Upon becoming adults, they would be transported to a colony somewhere and given tools and work animals to start a new life as a "free and independent people."

    Nothing ever came of Jefferson's fanciful plan. Slavery in the new United States of America would last another 89 years until the end of the Civil War. But even then, the equality promised in the Declaration of Independence was denied not only to African Americans, but also to other minorities and women. Even today, Americans are still not certain what equality means in such areas as affirmative action, sex discrimination, and gay rights.

    The Declaration of Independence has no legal authority. It is not part of the basic law of the United States like the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But its words have resonated as the ideals of the United States. Abolitionists in the 19th century asked Americans to live up to the ideal of equality and eliminate slavery. The civil rights movement of the 20th century pressured America to honor the commitment made in the declaration. The document still speaks to us today about the rights of Americans, as it did in 1776.

    The complete text of the Declaration of Independence

    For Discussion and Writing

    List the main ideas in John Locke's theory of natural rights and revolution. Then read Jefferson's first two paragraphs in the Declaration of Independence. What similarities and differences do you see?
    Write a letter to Thomas Jefferson

    Wendungen zur Meinungsäußerung

    Englisch Deutsch

    Meinung äußern (allgemein)
    It seems to me that ... Mir scheint, dass ...
    In my opinion, ... Meiner Meinung nach ...
    I am of the opinion that .../ I take the view that .. Ich bin der Meinung, dass ...
    My personal view is that ... Meine Meinung dazu ist, dass ...
    In my experience ... Meiner Erfahrung nach ...
    As far as I understand / can see, ... Soweit ich das beurteilen kann, ...
    As I see it, ... / From my point of view ... So wie ich das sehe, ...
    As far as I know ... / From what I know ... Soviel ich weiß, ...
    I might be wrong but ... Vielleicht liege ich falsch aber ...
    If I am not mistaken ... Wenn ich mich nicht täusche ...
    I believe one can (safely) say ... Ich glaube, man kann (mit Sicherheit) sagen ...
    It is claimed that ... Wie behauptet wird, ...
    I must admit that ... Ich muss zugeben, dass ...
    I cannot deny that ... Ich kann nicht leugnen, dass ...
    I can imagine that ... Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass ...
    I think/believe/suppose ... Ich denke/glaube/nehme an ...
    Personally, I think ... Ich persönlich denke ...
    That is why I think ... Deshalb denke ich ...
    I am sure/certain/convinced that ... Ich bin mir sicher, dass ...
    I am not sure/certain, but ... Ich bin mir nicht sicher aber ...
    I am not sure, because I don't know the situation exactly. Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, weil ich den Sachverhalt nicht genau kenne.
    I am not convinced that ... Ich bin nicht davon überzeugt, dass ...
    I have read that ... Wie ich gelesen habe ...
    I am of mixed opinions (about / on) ... Ich bin geteilter Meinung (über) ...
    I am of mixed opinions about / on this. Ich habe eine geteilte Meinung dazu.
    I have no opinion in this matter. Ich habe dazu keine Meinung.

    Tatsachen herausstellen
    The fact is that Fakt ist, dass ..
    The (main) point is that ...


    Comment – Eigene Meinung äußern

    Irgendwann muss jeder mal seine Meinung äußern, z. B. wenn ein Freund dich um Rat bittet oder der Chef eine Stellungnahme erwartet. Im Fremdsprachenunterricht ist dies außerdem eine beliebte Aufgabe, um deine Fähigkeiten im freien Schreiben zu testen.

    Mach dir zunächst Gedanken über das Thema. Welche Meinung hast du dazu und wie würdest du sie begründen?

    Aufbau und Inhalt
    Einleitung: Aufgreifen des Problems
    Die Einleitung dient dazu, den Leser auf das Thema einzustimmen. Geh in diesem Absatz auf die Aufgabenstellung ein und gib deine allgemeine Meinung zu diesem Thema mit kurzer Begründung wieder.
    Meinung und Begründung
    Begründe deinen Standpunkt. Konzentriere dich pro Absatz auf einen Hauptgedanken. Was genau du schreibst, hängt von der Aufgabenstellung ab (siehe unten)
    Fasse noch einmal die wichtigsten Argumente für deinen Standpunkt zusammen.
    Wichtige Zeitformen


    Comment – Eigene Meinung äußern

    Irgendwann muss jeder mal seine Meinung äußern, z. B. wenn ein Freund dich um Rat bittet oder der Chef eine Stellungnahme erwartet. Im Fremdsprachenunterricht ist dies außerdem eine beliebte Aufgabe, um deine Fähigkeiten im freien Schreiben zu testen.

    Mach dir zunächst Gedanken über das Thema. Welche Meinung hast du dazu und wie würdest du sie begründen?

    Aufbau und Inhalt
    Einleitung: Aufgreifen des Problems
    Die Einleitung dient dazu, den Leser auf das Thema einzustimmen. Geh in diesem Absatz auf die Aufgabenstellung ein und gib deine allgemeine Meinung zu diesem Thema mit kurzer Begründung wieder.
    Meinung und Begründung
    Begründe deinen Standpunkt. Konzentriere dich pro Absatz auf einen Hauptgedanken. Was genau du schreibst, hängt von der Aufgabenstellung ab (siehe unten)
    Fasse noch einmal die wichtigsten Argumente für deinen Standpunkt zusammen.
    Wichtige Zeitformen

    le chapitre six Logicielle et Germain essaient de résumer toutes les informationsdu décès. Germain pense que
    l´ordinateur OMNIA 3 est dangereux, mais Logicielle est d´avis que les décès sont en rapport avec les personalités des victimes.
    Alors les deux collègues discutent un tableau avec les données des cinq morts. M. Carrier, M. Maruani, M. Sauzon, M. Lavigne
    et M. Bron ont tous le même âge et ils vivaient à vingt kilometres de distance. En outre trois des cinq victimes untilisa ient
    des amphetamines et en plus ils possédaient la CDEX. Alors Logicielle dit que c´est très important que les hommes étaient morts
    dans la même rég ion sud-oues t du Perigord.

    Ich finde leider keinen kurzen und einfachen Artikel zum Thema im Web. Einiges Brauchbare hier als Ausschnitt aus der Wikipedia:
    Traditional Inuit beliefs
    See also: Inuit mythology

    [edit] Synopsis

    Some Inuit believed that the spirits of their ancestors could be seen in the northern lightsThe Inuit people inhabit the land stretching from southeast Alaska to Greenland, an environment that heavily influenced a mythology filled with adventure tales of whale and walrus hunts. Long winter months of waiting for caribou herds or sitting near breathing holes hunting seals gave birth to stories of mysterious and sudden appearance of ghosts and fantastic creatures. Some Inuit looked into the aurora borealis, or northern lights, to find images of their family and friends dancing in the next life, and they relied upon the shaman, while the nearest thing to a central deity was the Old Woman (Sedna), who lived beneath the sea. The waters, a central food source, were believed to contain great spirits.

    [edit] Analysis
    The Inuit traditionally practiced a form of shamanism based basically on animist principles. They believed that all things had a form of spirit, just like humans, and that to some extent these spirits could be influenced by a pantheon of supernatural entities that could be appeased when one required some animal or inanimate thing to act in a certain way. The shaman (Inuktitut: angakuq, sometimes spelled angakok) of a community of Inuit was not the leader, but rather a sort of healer and psychotherapist, who tended wounds and offered advice, as well as invoking the spirits to assist people in their lives. His or her role was to see, interpret and exhort the subtle and unseen. Shamans were not trained, they were held to be born with the ability.

    Inuit religion was closely tied to a system of rituals that were integrated into the daily life of the people. These rituals were not terribly complicated, but they were held to be absolutely necessary. According to a customary Inuit saying, "The great peril of our existence lies in the fact that our diet consists entirely of souls." By believing that all things—including animals—have souls like those of humans, any hunt that fails to show appropriate respect and customary supplication would only give the liberated spirits cause to avenge themselves.

    The harshness and randomness of life in the Arctic ensured that Inuit lived constantly in fear of the uncontrollable, where a streak of bad luck could destroy an entire community. To offend a spirit was to run the risk of having them interfere with an already marginal existence. The Inuit plead with supernatural powers to provide them with the necessities of day-to-day survival. As Knud Rasmussen's Inuit guide told him when asked

    ich habe nun "[...]son album s’est trouvé aussi dans les palmarès de musique." geschrieben. Geht das auch?
    besser: trouve..

    Und noch ein paar Forumulierungsfragen...

    kann man "pays non francophones" sagen? ja

    kann man sagen "elle est née comme" also geboren als Tochter eines .... ja

    un des models le plus célèbres mit oder ohne s? mit S

    "son album [...] l’a aidé d’un notoriété plus grand"
    besser: "lui a gagné.."

    Und wie kann man "Ausarbeitung" also eines Referats nennen? "Factue" passt glaube ich nicht
    Ausarbeitung: élaboration

    Distinguishing features: Pollock's magic as a painter is in his refusal to acknowledge a gulf between his painting and himself. He spoke of being "in my painting". His abstract art is not of the rational, ordering mind but of the entire self. This painting, too, is brutally, hysterically a piece of him. The portrait is a clumsy, violent thing, drawn in spiralling, blotted black lines, with that one open jaded eye and a ridiculously ham-fisted shape propped on a body that is too small - proof that Pollock was no Norman Rockwell, no homely illustrator.

    The head is almost attacked with colour: non-representational, ungainly but incongruously alive colour. Transgressing the drawn border between the face and its surroundings, Pollock's jarringly pretty grafts of colour communicate discomfort and anguish, like the colour of Van Gogh.

    Melodramatically, Pollock colours the portrait to contrast with the deathly black-and-white tangle of bodies and the unreadable astral forms on the left. He said part of this "dream" denoted "the dark side of the moon"; Krasner later wished she could remember what else he had said about the painting in a moment of lucid confession. Even without its title, you would guess that it represents a head and its contents, a self and its inner life. In contrast to the total immersion of his supreme abstract paintings, Pollock stands apart from his "inner life".


    Ich möchte sagen, dass der Begriff "Chanson" aus dem Französischen kommt (verwurzelt), mein Vorschlag:
    Le mot "chanson" est enraciné à la France.

    Eine hohe Stimme - une voix hausse

    Elle chant sur des [...]

    parce qu’on meurt après tout n’importe qu’on fait

    Einen Platz in den Charts belegen - da weiß ih gar nicht, wie man das ausdrückt

    1. Le mot "chanson", empruntédu farncais, signifie une petite composition cantée, souvent avec un refrain.

    2. Elle chante de(du) des....

    3. ....n'importe ce qu'on fasse

    4. Ob das Wort "charts" im Franz. existiert, kann ich nicht sagen. Den Sinn kann man ausdrücken mit:
    "Cette canson maintenant se trouve au top de la popularitée"