Rewrite and putting in past tense

  • Hallo Richard!
    Hab mal wieder ein paar Hausaufgaben zum Durchsehen, wäre sehr nett, wenn Du falsches korrigieren würdest. Vielen Dank!

    Der obere Satz ist jeweils vorgegeben und soll in past tense umgewandelt werden.

    a) He never falls when she leads the way.
    He never fell when she led the way.

    b) She eats a steak and drinks a pint of beer.
    She ate a steak and drank a pint of beer.

    c) When we come in, she goes out of the room.
    When we came in, she went out of the room.

    d) The curtain rises again, the actors appears on stage, bow and file off.
    The curtain rose again, the actors appeard on stage, bowed and filed off.

    e) These boys say that they always listen carefully, but do not understand their teachers.
    These boys said that they always listened carefully, but they didn't understand their teachers.

    f) If students read their homework carefully, they will find many mistakes themselves.
    If students had read their homework carefully they would have found many mistakes themselves (??????)

    Nächste Aufgabe:

    a) Erlaubten sie Ihnen, Ihr Auto vor Ihrem Haus zu parken?
    Did they allow you to park your car in front of the house?

    b) Es war jedem verboten, in diesen Räumen zu rauchen.
    It was forbidden for everyone to smoke in these rooms.

    c) Der Trainer wollte, dass alle seine Spieler am Konditionstraining teilnehmen.
    The coach wanted every player to take part in the condition-training.

    d) Das schlechte Wetter sorgte dafür, dass wir unsere Reise verschieben (to defer) mussten.
    The bad weather caused us to defer the journey.

    e) Der Arzt riet ihr, wegen ihres Fiebers im Haus zu bleiben.
    Because of her fever, the doctor advised her to stay at home.

    f) Der Polizist zwang sie, ihre Koffer zu öffnen.
    The policeman forced her to open her suitcase

    g) Stets ermutigte er mich, mein Studium fortzusetzen.
    Always he encouraged me to continue my studies.

    h) Der Manager bat seine Mitarbeiter eindringlich, sich mehr anzustrengen.
    The manager urged his employees to work a little bit harder (???)

    Ich hoffe, dass ich das so halbwegs hinbekommen habe :rolleyes:

    Fortsetzung folgt morgen.....bin total müüüde :baby:

    Vielen Dank für Deine Mühe Richard!!!


    Müde bin ich auch. Ich musste heute eine 3seitige Französich-Übersetzung korrigieren.
    Sweet dreams!