• Hiho,
    mal wieder eine hausaufgabe :)) also ich muss diesmal zu morgen eine essay schreiben mit max. 350wörter über das thema: Englischesprache und ihren Einfluss auf die Deutschesprache!
    jo so irgendwie lautet meine aufgabenstellung...esse jetzt dann werde ich mich ranmachen an meine homeworks :)
    wollte nur schonmal bescheid sagen das was von mir heute noch kommt...bis dann


  • The Influence of English on the German Language

    The following is a listing of some of the English used in advertising slogans in one edition of Der Spiegel, a weekly news magazine.
    • There's no better way to fly (Lufthansa)
    • The classic of the future (perfume)
    • The energy is yours (perfume)
    • Tomorrow's classics (watch)
    • Elegance is an attitude (watch)
    • Tested for the unexpected (watch)
    • Take a walk on the red side (champagne)
    • Active driving, active safety (car)
    • We hear you (computer)
    • The whole world in one bank (investment bank)
    • More life, most money (investment bank)
    • Time is money (investment bank)
    All over the world, people are using the English language more and more. The use of English has become very popular. Many people combine English phrases with their mother tongue. In Germany, this phenomenon is very common. English expressions are used in conversations and increasingly in written form. Advertisements are often designed completely in English; new words sounding like English are created, even if they don’t exist in English. For example, in Germany the official word for cell phone is “Handy” – it doesn’t exist as a noun in English. There is no German equivalent. When I go to the gym, there are “aerobic-classes,” we “warm-up,” we “cool-down,” we use the “stepper,” we go “jogging.” When we go shopping, we buy a “T-Shirt,” a “sweater”, or “shorts.” In business, we attend a “meeting” and we have “good connections.” These are just a few examples of the widespread use of the English language in Germany. However, there are some fields that require the use of English words. For example, for the high-tech communication and the Internet; also for the travel business, there is no alternative to English. English words are sometimes necessary.But sometimes the use of English is exaggerated. English is the language with the most influence on the German language. I find German words in most cases simply more beautiful

    bitte mal durchlesen und hinweise geben...(habe ich aber schon mit einem kumpel überarbeitet,aber nicht alles!!!)
