Correct form of the verbs

  • Hallo Richard :))
    Hier noch mehr von dem Sch... ;)
    Bitte schau doch noch mal....

    Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the verbs given below.

    to take after, to take away, to take down, to take in, to take off, to take on, to take out, to take over, to take to.

    a) It is the 1st April tomorrow. See to it that you are not taking over.

    b) The London plane is taking off now, you can still see it.

    c) Anything you say me took after and used against you. ???

    d) Once a week he takes his wife out for a meal.

    e) Mother has taken down a lot of extra work recently.

    f) If you want to have lunch now, I will taking on your job until you are back.

    g) Who has taken away my pen, it was here on my desk!

    h) Your daughter doesn't take to you at all. ???

    i) Peter has a new hobby, he is taking in photography now.

    Uffff, das wärs für heute :)

    Viele Grüße

  • hallo nykky,
    schon wieder die f....g verbs!

    Hier die corrections:

    a: taken IN
    c: will be taken DOWN (protokolliert)
    e: taken ON
    f: will take OVER
    h: take AFTER= , dir ähneln!
    i: taking UP