correct form of the verbs....

  • Damit Dir nicht langweilig wird, Richard :rolleyes:

    Schaust Du auch mal drauf?

    Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the verbs given below.

    to turn against, to turn away, to turn back, to turn into, to turn off, to turn over, to overturn, to turn out, to turn round, to turn to, to turn up.

    a) Is this the place where the road turns,off for Newcastle?

    b) So many people wanted to attend the meeting that quite a few had to be turned back.

    c) We had to turn round because the bridges had collapsed.

    d) Turn around, so that I can see your face.

    e) The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink.

    f) Are John and Mary back? No, they have not turned back yet.

    g) The sledge turned over and the three boys fell off.

    h) The witch turns away the beautiful princess turned out in an ugly frog.
    Der Satz ergiebt für mich keinen Sinn???
    i) You have turned over three pages too many.

    j) And then, without any reason, he suddenly turned against us.

    Vielen Dank für Deine Zeit und Mühe!

    Lieben Gruß

    Hallo Nykky,

    Nur nicht verzweifeln! Mitr diesen SCHEISS-Phrasal verbs haben auch erfahrenen Experten Probleme.
