Hallo Richard, hab ich es so richtig?
Einsetzen: Präposition + who(m)-Präposition + which - whose - who(m) - what - which
a) Weight problems often affect people whose alkohol intake is high.
b) Try to get it back from the people at whom you sold it to.
c) Please return it to the person who it belongs!
d) The woman, from who we buy our eggs, keeps only about twenty hens.
e) The Apollo programme, of which a lecture will be given tonight, has been quite successful so far.
f) Success in war was ????? people expected of their king in the Middle Ages.
g) The control of nuclear power stations works rather well, which is a good thing indeed.
h) Can you remember the person who /COLOR] you saw him with?
i) A lot of boxes, which food is packed
in, could be receycled.
j) My 1939 model Ford, from which I tould you, is much more valuable than I thought it would be.
k) My elder brother, whom you met at that party last week, has just got married.
l) It was a village which population had little sense of time until the railway arrived.
Translate the following sentences an use the correct comparative.
a) Der Genuss von Alkohol ist ebenso schädlich wie der von Nikotin.
The consumption of alcoholics is as harmful as nicotine.
b) Ich stimme dir nicht zu, denn dieses Buch ist spannender als jenes. Poes Geschichten sind am spannendsten.
I don't agree with you, because this book is more exciting than that. Poes stories are the most exciting.
c) Soweit ich das beurteilen kann, ist diese Lösung schlechter. ????
d) Mein Freund ist weniger schwerfällig als deiner; er ist sogar sportlicher, als er aussieht.
My friend is less clumsy than yours, he is even sportier as he looks like.
e) Mein Wagen ist nicht so schnell wie deiner, er ist aber bequemer und auch sicherer als deiner.
My car isn't so fast like yours, but it is more comfortable and more save than yours.
f) Waren die Menschen früher brutaler und gewaltätiger als heute? [COLOR=red]Were the people in the past more brutal and more violent than today?
Für Korrekturen wäre ich Dir sehr dankbar Schön, dass man mal jemanden fragen kann :))
Hoffentlich wirds nicht zuviel
Liebe Grüße