• Hi, ich bin neu hier und habe auch schon die ersten fragen ;)
    freu mich schon auf eure Hilfe.

    Die markierten Fehler müssen Korrigiert werden:

    The problem is typical for parents and children.
    The mother judt don`t trust her daughter.
    They have to sit an discuss about their problems.
    Maybe the girl will find out that she is just being too sensible,
    and the mother will understand That she hasn´t to be so strong with her.
    They should speak a counsellor- he could help them and explain them what their Problems really are.
    And maybe they will evenlearn that they agree on each other more than they thought.

  • Also bei dem 1. Satz is eigentlich nur das "for" falsch, denn es heißt typical of.
    The mother just doesn't trust her daughter.
    The have to sit an discussion on their problems.
    Maybe the girl will find out that she is just being too sensitive, and the mother will understand that she shouldn't be so strict with her.
    They should speak with an advisor - he could help them and tell them what their problems really are.
    And maybe they will even learn that they agree with each other more than they thought.

    Also ob das alles so stimmt weiß ich nich so genau, aber es klingt mir am logischsten. ;)
