Hallo, schreibe übermorgen eine Englischarbeit und ich bräuchte Hilfe bei der Korrektur meines Englischtextes. Es ist sehr wichtig, da ich nicht gerade eine gute Englischnote habe. Sind bestimmt Ausdruck/Grammtikfehler drin
Falls noch jemand andere/bessere Argumente hat, wäre nicht schlecht. Danke schonmal an alle, die sich die Mühe machen, das nachzusehen.
Hier mein Text:
Nr. 1:
What are advantages and disadvantages of shopping on the internet? Page 79
People can buy around the clock. They don’t have to leave their houses and they can do shopping from home.
Almost all goods are sold also via the Internet now.
Banking transactions can be settled comfortably from at home.
The ordered goods are delivered to people's homes .
For business on the spot (retail selling ?) the sales volume drops because the people always buy more on the Internet.
When ordered goods are delivered, the people often aren't at home.
This delays the delivery.
It must be ensured thus that someone is at home, so that the ordered goods can be delivered. In the end I would like to say that also credit card fraud and account fraud in the Internet increase.
Nr. 4
In what way is the consumer protected against advertising and spending money? (p. 86)
Consumers can be protected only if there are laws, which protect them.
Advertisement promises more than it holds. People buy goods and are disappointed when they are supplied.
A law (1977) in England gave consumers the right to get their money back in full, if they had not signed a receipt.
Nr. 3
What qualities should an applicant for Camp Florida have? And how could an applicant benefit from it? (page 85)
Camp Florida is a job agency that finds suitable young people from all over the world to work in American summer camps for nine weeks.
- They must have the following qualities:
- They must be able to deal well with children and other persons
- They must be fully fit, because the work is arduous.
- They must be ready for cooking and cleaning.
- They must be ready to become acquainted with the culture of a strange country.
The applicants have the chance to learn a lot there .. They improve their self-assurance and personal independence. These are qualities which employers are always looking for.
The costs of the flight from Germany are taken over. The applicants receive a generous pocket money and after the Camp they can remain/stay for another 6 weeks in the USA and in Canada
Nr. 6
6. What are pros and cons of globalization? Who are the winners and who are the losers? (cf. pages 88, 91)
The individual markets of the world grow together to a large market.
For the enterprises globalization is naturally also a benediction. It is now possible for them to get raw materials from all over the world and that at favourable prices. The advantages are the much shorter transportation times as compared to former times.
The winners are the large companies
The losers are the employees in the large industrial nations.
In addition, the losers are the employees in the cheap wage countries, because they are needed?. They get a low payment.