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  • hallo! um meinen ausdruck zu verbessern schreib ich oft texte. es wäre toll von euch wenn ihr ihn mal auf fehler untersuchen würdet. (MÖCHTE MICH JA VERBESSERN) Rechtschreibfehler sind bei mir oft Tippfehler, die sind ok. sorry wenn der text vielleicht zu lang ist. VIELEN DANK!

    Drugs had a big influence on the music in the 60s and of course of the Hippies. The music in 1965 was charctarized by unusual sounds. The drugs were a kind of protest against the conservative and stiff society. They wanted to enlarge their sensory perception; they wanted to create their own personality and they wanted to free their sexual relationships. Drugs were very important for the hippies and they formed a part of their normal lives. But many of them ignored the side effects and died. Janis Joplin, for example, who took a lot of drugs and alcohol during her performances on stage, had many feelings of weakness and died some days later.
    But drugs are not the only bad side of the Hippies. I said that Hippies lived in communes and they had no steady partner. The probability to get aids was very high, because they ofen had sex without condoms. And so many Hippies died or were infected by the virus.

    In 1967 the Hippie movement was at its peak. The term “summer of love” tries to describe the awareness of life, which was in San Francisco. An example is the song “San Fransicso”, which was sung by Scott McKenzie. Thousands of people streamed from the USA to the disrict Haight-Astsbury in San Francisco, because they wanted to be a part of the Hippie movement. The town was very popular with the Hippies, because of itsmulticultural atmospere and became an emblem of the Hippies.

    The original Hippies bore in 1967 their culture to its grave, because they did not want a mass culture . But today we often see some human beings on the streets who look like a Hippie and some big festivals exist in our time, like the ‘Burg Harzberg Festival’. This festival in the biggest in Europe. And so we can see that some people try to live like aHippies, to do crazy things but it isn’t easy .

  • Ich versuche einfach mal, was zu verbessern (kursiv), aber ohne Gewähr^^

    Drugs had a big influence on the music in the 60s and of course on the Hippies. [Ich glaube, hier kannst du nicht characterise nehmen, ich würde folgendes schreiben] Typical for the music in 1965 were unusual sounds. The drugs were a kind of protest against the conservative and stiffly society. They wanted to change their sensory perception[<-- hört sich komisch an, ich weiß nicht, ob es stimmt]; they wanted to create their own personality [Ich glaube das geht so nicht, vielleicht: They wanted to be more individual] and they wanted to improve [verbessern?] their sexuel relationships. Drugs were very important for the hippies and they became a part of their normal life [vielleicht besser everyday life]. But many of them ignored the side effects [?] and died. Janis Joplin, for example, who took a lot of drugs and drank a lot of alcohol during her performances on stage, had many feelings of weaknesses [ich glaube so kannst du es nicht schreiben, ich weiß aber auch gar nicht was du genau meinst] and died some days later [Logik: Du schreibst allgemein von Auftritten, dann würde sie mehrmals sterben].
    But drugs are not the only bad side [geht so glaube ich nicht] of Hippies. I sayed [was meinst du?] that Hippies lived in cummunes and they had no atteched partner [glaube 'attached partner' gibt es nicht, vielleicht they did not live monogamously (wobei da der Sinn etwas anders ist)] . The probability to get aids [of getting?] was very high, because they ofen had sex without condoms. So many Hippies died or were infected by the virus.

    In 1967 the Hippie movement was on its highest point. The term “summer of love” tried to describe the awareness of life, which was in San Francisco [Das Bewusstsein des Lebens war in San Francisco? ich verstehe nicht, was du meinst]. An example is the song “San Fransicso”, which was [is?] sung by Scott McKenzie. Thousend of people from [?]the USA streamed to the disrict Haight-Astsbury in San Francisco, because they wanted to be a part of the Hippie movement. The town was very popular with [?] the Hippies, because of their very multicultural atmosphere and the town became an emblem of the Hippies.

    The original Hippies beared in 1967 their culture to gave [den Teil verstehe ich nicht], because they didn’t want to be a mass culture. But today we often see human beeings [people wäre besser] in [?] the streets who look like Hippies and today there are still some big festivals (exists in our time), like the ‘Burg Harzberg Festival’. This festival in the biggest in Europe. And so we can see [hört sich komisch an] that some people [vielleicht 'still' hinzufügen] try to live like a Hippie, to do crazy things but it isn’t easy.

    Ich hoffe, du kannst damit was anfangen und dass mich (und dich^^) noch andere verbessern.
