bitte kurze sätze korrigieren??

  • währ hier jmd so lieb und würde n blick auf meine sätze werfen?

    I think the stage directions are use to realize the scene. The reader can imagine the situation much better. Furthermore the women's feelings are expresses more.
    The play deals with different themes. For one thing there is the womens jealousness and for another thing there is the men's solitary life.
    The women's problems arhe that she knows that his husband has an affair. Furthermore she still loves him but she can't show it.
    In my opinion the women is responsible of the man's suicide. All along she critices him and his life instead of saying that she is still in love with him.

    währ supi doll lieb :)

    lg und danke schonma

  • I think the stage directions are useful to realise the scenery. The reader can image the situation much better. Futhermore, the wom(a/e)n's feelings express more. <-- was willst du sagen?

    The play deals with different topics, e.g. the women's jealousy or the men's solitary life.

    The women's problems are that she(?? du redest die ganze Zeit in der Mehrzahl women, dann musst du woman nehmen.) knows that her husband has an affair. She still loves him, but she does not show it.

    In my opinion the woman is responsible for the suicide of the man (her husband?), because all the time she is criticising him and his life instead of saying that she is still in love with him.

    is zwar immer noch nich perfekt (manches hört sich komisch an), aber so ist es jedenfalls besser.